Saturday, December 19, 2009

Silence made us.

Went to a haunted mansion today and I creeped around the third floor. I found this wicked cool red chair in this teal room with a bathtub. I wanted a slightly creepy and rather random picture to flow with the creepiness and randomness of the room. I hope the ghosts don't eat me alive for this one. Yikes!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Beautiful Mind

It's amazing what one person can imprint on your atmosphere, even if you only speak with them for a fraction of a second. Maybe even if you don't speak with them at all. People can change you without you even having the slightest idea they did so. It's really incredible. And who knows how many lives you yourself have changed. I'd like to get to know everyones beautiful minds. I would like to go back to central park and speak to this man, see where he has been, what he can teach me.
xxx Amski

The finest clothing made is a person's skin, but, of course, society demands something more than this. ~Mark Twain

What I would do to have a sweater like this back in my life. This would look absolutely stunning with black skinny jeans and a BA pair of Tristan Blair shoes. Any kind of sweater with wolves, kittens, etc. would be incredible to own. I'm in a glorious search!
-In a while crocodile.

I miss NYC

One of my best friends has the most beautiful features. If I could drag her around to be my model all day, everyday I would. This is from when I visited her in New York for a weekend. I miss seeing her run into doors. I miss having epic adventures with her through torrential down pours. I miss being mole rat status in the subways for hours. I miss being a creepy night crawler in the bright lights.