Sunday, October 3, 2010

Typography as Texture

This is the wallpaper I created. I chose the letters "O" and "C." I decided to name my clothing store, "Origami Catch." The logo that I created with the "O" and "C" was inspired by the folds of origami as well as the serenity in their colors and in the actual act of making them.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

For this assignment, I decided to express emotion through nature: Falling rain in a drought expressing satisfaction, a wave hitting a rock to express aggression, wishies expressing ambition, and a "weeping" willow (my favorite tree) expressing sadness. I usually use a lot of pen, ink and watercolor, but for this assignment I decided to be a little more bold and try something new so I ended up using acrylic, newspaper, and ink. I not particularly fond of my series and will probably be redoing most, if not all of them. However, I am glad I experimented with materials I was not comfortable with and hope to produce even better work in the future.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


This is my simplistic type specimen poster for my designed typeface called, "Entangled Extension." For my found grid, I used hairbrush bristles and then formed the letters using floss. I attempted to use hair extensions to shape the letters, but it was difficult to maneuver around the bristles and I figured since the poster was going to be black & white, I could just supplement something else that was easier to work with that would appear as hair. I usually have a tough time making simplistic art and I am happy I accomplished doing so with this assignment. Illustration and Form and Communication work to come!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Process-Type Specimen Booklet

Here is my final type specimen booklet!

SCADshorts: Pencil Face

My inspiration for this week, is PENCIL FACE!
Creepiest video ever. Love it.
The video is beautiful.
I would like to make something like this one day.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Process-Typeface/Drop Cap/Form

Here is my process for form&comm and type.
My typeface I change multiple times, but after making my mother a mothers day card with a dreamcatcher I decided to go with dreamcatchers as my inspiration. The dreamcatcher with the letter "a" inside is my dropcap for my typeface which I titled "Zodiak."
Suggestions much appreciated on both form and type!

Inspiration-Sophie Crumb

For this week my inspiration is Sophie Crumb. I like how she uses a lot of line work and only color here and there. The use of thin lines is really appealing to me.
Here's her website:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Synergy Fashion Show!

Synergy Fashion show! Saturday! Be there! You can get tickets at Clothes In the Past Lane! Cash only.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Inspiration-Photography/mixed media

I'm taking a photography class right now and right now we have been toning and doing hand coloring to the photographs. I've really been into painted photographs. Here's an example of one I came across on tumblr. I have a feeling I'm going to be doing a lot of this over the summer.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Process-"S" Part II

The color looks off in the picture but ignore that. Bad picture quality.
So this is the completed "S" in a color as close as I could find to Cyan.
Can't wait for Cinco De Mayo!!!!!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010


My inspiration for this week is album covers. A square seems to be a difficult shape to design for me, kind of an awkward shape. The nine inch nails cover reminds me of what we did for the Form&Comm project with the record album covers.

Here's the link:

Process-Z fold book poster.

Really struggling with this one. I think the weather is pulling me away from my work.
Anyway, this is my process so far.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Inspiration-Because I'm Addicted

I follow/stalk many fashion blogs but one that I am inspired by in particular this week is called, Because I'm Addicted. I'm just about as addicted to fashion blogs as some men are to porn websites. Not only do I love what these girls are wearing, but I really like the filter effect on these photos. It gives the photographs such a style and presents us with a unique feeling.

Process-ACL book

After the critique on thursday, I took all of your helpful suggestions to work. I gave the text a little more space and I also made the band names in black, as well as some other subtitles. I'm not sure I like the cover/back cover yet, so suggestions on that would be helpful. Sponsor page is looking a little rough as well, so I'll probably tweak that.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Droog-Conceptual Design Company {inspiration}

My inspiration for this week is the design company Droog, located in the Netherlands. Their unique way of thinking defines them as a conceptual design company.

These are two of my favorite things they created:

These stick on water droplets add a very unique texture to surfaces.

When I own my own home, if I ever need a fence, I want it to look just like this one! The pattern reminds me of my favorite tights!

Here's the link to their website:


I made my "S" over break for "SNAP." I'm so excited for May 5th! Can't wait to spray paint it and have it be complete!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Inspiration-Nick Brandt Photography

I love Brandt's work! His pictures are so bold and crisp and as a photographer should, he composes them beautifully. I am a big fan of cats, small and large so naturally I fell in love with the picture of the two lions nuzzling! I thought the tree in the other picture was absolutely incredible, especially against that sky. I would love to get an opportunity to take photographs much like these, of wild animals in there element...and I'm not speaking of humans...even though we can be pretty wild.
Here's the link to his site:

Friday, March 12, 2010

Process-Green Drop Cap

I've been missing using watercolor, so for this weeks drop cap assignment, I decided to revisit the medium. In my art history class we briefly looked at some japanese art so I was inspired to create my green drop cap with a japanese appeal.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


So, since we are moving into representing sound with imagery for our form class, and music always is an inspiration to me, my inspiration is this video! Or rather, these multiple videos!! Basically I was on this website for hours and played almost every combo possible. So awesome!!! Everyone please play with this and tell me how much fun it is :oD
You can play as many as you want!!! kjahsldkjhlksjahf!!! I can barely retain my excitement!

anyways, here is the link:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Arts Relation to Music

In Form & Communication class, we had to listen to a series of songs (no words/lyrics) and create images that represented what we were hearing, paying attention to tone, beat, feel etc. It was a fun process! I adore being an art major <3

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Nature really inspires my artwork. Although I'm sick of the cold, I did appreciate the scene mother nature had created with this lone tree in a snow covered field. I took this picture on sunday while I was driving home from school. I'd like to return to this tree again when the snow melts and winter turns to spring.
I find it's always good to have your camera at the ready in case a good photo opportunity comes along, even if it requires suddenly pulling over on the roadside.

Process-3D Drop Cap & Radial Poster

Since I love cardboard, I decided to make my 3D drop cap out of it. I made a "T" and created a box and then covered it with fabric I found.
For one of my Cage The Elephant radial posters, I drew out text and sketched a picture which I then scanned in and used.


For this photogram assignment, I actually used inspiration from my Type II Axial poster
assignment and used the drawings. I also included necklaces and earrings to form shapes.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tina Dolin Photography

I came across this photographer on facebook. She is actually from my hometown area. I absolutely love her conceptual photography! The textures and tonality of her images are so beautiful. I just love conceptual photography in general. Photography is something I have an interest in and really inspires me day to day. I'm hoping to somehow incorporate photography into one of my Typography assignments at some point. Here's the link to some of her photography:

Revised "A" Drop Cap

Although a minor change, I moved the swirl that is the cross bar, up so it was not grazing the baseline. Still need to do some tweakage on some small details.