Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tina Dolin Photography

I came across this photographer on facebook. She is actually from my hometown area. I absolutely love her conceptual photography! The textures and tonality of her images are so beautiful. I just love conceptual photography in general. Photography is something I have an interest in and really inspires me day to day. I'm hoping to somehow incorporate photography into one of my Typography assignments at some point. Here's the link to some of her photography:

Revised "A" Drop Cap

Although a minor change, I moved the swirl that is the cross bar, up so it was not grazing the baseline. Still need to do some tweakage on some small details.

Process-Axial Posters

After struggling with choosing appropriate fonts and the layout, these are the two final posters I handed in, but after an insightful class critique I'm going to go back and make some adjustments. For the "bird" poster I had scanned in an image I had drawn and traced it in illustrator. For the second poster, "feather," all of my process was in illustrator. I have a lot of room for improvement and a lot to learn, but I'm definitely up for the challenge.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Andrea Gibson

I wish I was a photograph
tucked into the corners of your wallet
I wish I was a photograph
you carried like a future in your back pocket
I wish I was that face you show to strangers
when they ask you where you come from
I wish I was that someone that you come from
every time you get there
and when you get there
I wish I was that someone who got phone calls
and postcards saying
wish you were here
I wish you were here
autumn is the hardest season
the leaves are all falling
and they're falling like they're falling in love with the ground
and the trees are naked and lonely
I keep trying to tell them
new leaves will come around in the spring
but you can't tell trees those things
they're like me they just stand there
and don't listen
I wish you were here
I've been missing you like crazy
I've been hazy eyed
staring at the bottom of my glass again
thinking of that time when it was so full
it was like we were tapping the moon for moonshine
or sticking straws into the center of the sun
and sipping like icarus would forever kiss
the bullets from our guns
I never meant to fire you know
I know you never meant to fire lover
I know we never meant to hurt each other
now the sky clicks from black to blue
and dusk looks like a bruise
I've been wrapping one night stands
around my body like wedding bands
but none of them fit in the morning
they just slip off my fingers and slip out the door
and all that lingers is the scent of you
I once swore if I threw that scent into a wishing well
all the wishes in the world would come true
do you remember
do you remember the night I told you
I've never seen anything more perfect than
than snow falling in the glow of a street light
electricity bowing to nature
mind bowing to heartbeat
this is gonna hurt bowing to I love you
I still love you like moons love the planets they circle around
like children love recess bells
I still hear the sound of you
and think of playgrounds
where outcasts who stutter
beneath braces and bruises and acne
are finally learning that their rich handsome bullies
are never gonna grow up to be happy
I think of happy when I think of you
so wherever you are I hope you're happy
I really do
I hope the stars are kissing your cheeks tonight
I hope you finally found a way to quit smoking
I hope your lungs are open and breathing your life
I hope there's a kite in your hand
that's flying all the way up to orion
and you still got a thousand yards of string to let out
I hope you're smiling
like god is pulling at the corners of your mouth
cause I might be naked and lonely
shaking branches for bones
but I'm still time zones away
from who I was the day before we met
you were the first mile
where my heart broke a sweat
and I wish you were here
I wish you'd never left
but mostly I wish you well
I wish you my very very best

Andrea Gibson is an amazing poet.  She speaks beautiful words.  This is one of my favorite poems by her.
Here's her website, check her out!-->

Drop Caps

I made two new drop caps. I started to hate the first one I made after looking at it for too long so I decided to start fresh.  As you can see, I really liked using dots.  Any suggestions/opinions on them would be great!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fur? I'd Rather Go Naked.

My summer before my senior year of high school I took painting & drawing courses at Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. These are from the drawing course, done in ink. I absolutely adore ink! I love using ink and mixing it with other mediums such as watercolor. This woman was particularly curvaceous and it was interesting trying to apply the ink to capture the shadows created by the light and curves on her body. There is something so incredible about the human form...imagine never having seen a human before and suddenly one appears. Wouldn't a human appear strange in having five fingers, two legs, one head etc.?! I don't know, I'm starting to ramble...


I Believe In Your Victory

I've been on a feather kick lately. Something about the idea of being in nature and feathers has just caught my attention. I love surrounding myself in nature that seems so beautiful, it almost seems impossible to take it all in. I wanted to create this with inspiration from a This Will Destroy You song, my current love for feathers, and my strong compassion for nature. I used, graphite, charcoal, and watercolor. I didn't pursue the image in my head as hard as I would have liked, but getting it out on paper for remembrance purposes was good. Hopefully later I'll put more time into creating exactly what I envision.
Till Next Time

Drop Cap-Process

I created a this drop cap after being inspired by photographs taken from Bohemian Musings blog. The photographs had a whimsical, airy, type of feel and I wanted to create a drop cap to capture this. I used ink to create this letterform. I made the letterform rather light, not much heavy lines. For next mondays class, after having it critiqued, I plan on making some of the lines thicker in particular areas, making it a little bigger, and as my Professor said, giving the letterform, "more room to breathe" on the paper.

Making Meaning Part I

Randomly selecting an image, the assignment was to change the word beneath the image to change the images' meaning. The objectives were idea generation, understanding type+image relationships, creative writing, and symbolism.
I really like this whole idea of 1+1=3. 1 image+1 word= a 3rd idea. It was fun to pump my creative juices and come up with slightly off-beat yet logical ideas. I randomly selected the image of a Jar.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Alex Pardee

Alex Pardee is an artist whose work really inspires me. His art expresses his love for all things horror. He has a clothing line collection which is apart of my favorite store Upper Playground. I love the way he handles different mediums and he has an amazing talent at showing horror creatively.
Here is some of his work:

He also has a fantastic blogspot!

Music Inspires

Although one may think it strange, music inspires what I create, whether it be a photograph I take or a simple drawing. The snap, crackle, pop, rhythm, harmony, melody, chord progression and the mood of which they create help my creative juices flow to create an image that mimics the sounds. Lately I have been incredibly inspired by Post-Rock music. Some of my favorite post-rock bands are Sigur Ros, This Will Destroy You, and The Album Leaf.
Here are links to a song by This Will Destroy You and a song by The Album Leaf:

Check them out!