Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Inspiration-Nick Brandt Photography

I love Brandt's work! His pictures are so bold and crisp and as a photographer should, he composes them beautifully. I am a big fan of cats, small and large so naturally I fell in love with the picture of the two lions nuzzling! I thought the tree in the other picture was absolutely incredible, especially against that sky. I would love to get an opportunity to take photographs much like these, of wild animals in there element...and I'm not speaking of humans...even though we can be pretty wild.
Here's the link to his site:

Friday, March 12, 2010

Process-Green Drop Cap

I've been missing using watercolor, so for this weeks drop cap assignment, I decided to revisit the medium. In my art history class we briefly looked at some japanese art so I was inspired to create my green drop cap with a japanese appeal.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


So, since we are moving into representing sound with imagery for our form class, and music always is an inspiration to me, my inspiration is this video! Or rather, these multiple videos!! Basically I was on this website for hours and played almost every combo possible. So awesome!!! Everyone please play with this and tell me how much fun it is :oD
You can play as many as you want!!! kjahsldkjhlksjahf!!! I can barely retain my excitement!

anyways, here is the link:


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Arts Relation to Music

In Form & Communication class, we had to listen to a series of songs (no words/lyrics) and create images that represented what we were hearing, paying attention to tone, beat, feel etc. It was a fun process! I adore being an art major <3

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Nature really inspires my artwork. Although I'm sick of the cold, I did appreciate the scene mother nature had created with this lone tree in a snow covered field. I took this picture on sunday while I was driving home from school. I'd like to return to this tree again when the snow melts and winter turns to spring.
I find it's always good to have your camera at the ready in case a good photo opportunity comes along, even if it requires suddenly pulling over on the roadside.

Process-3D Drop Cap & Radial Poster

Since I love cardboard, I decided to make my 3D drop cap out of it. I made a "T" and created a box and then covered it with fabric I found.
For one of my Cage The Elephant radial posters, I drew out text and sketched a picture which I then scanned in and used.


For this photogram assignment, I actually used inspiration from my Type II Axial poster
assignment and used the drawings. I also included necklaces and earrings to form shapes.