Friday, April 30, 2010

Inspiration-Photography/mixed media

I'm taking a photography class right now and right now we have been toning and doing hand coloring to the photographs. I've really been into painted photographs. Here's an example of one I came across on tumblr. I have a feeling I'm going to be doing a lot of this over the summer.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Process-"S" Part II

The color looks off in the picture but ignore that. Bad picture quality.
So this is the completed "S" in a color as close as I could find to Cyan.
Can't wait for Cinco De Mayo!!!!!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010


My inspiration for this week is album covers. A square seems to be a difficult shape to design for me, kind of an awkward shape. The nine inch nails cover reminds me of what we did for the Form&Comm project with the record album covers.

Here's the link:

Process-Z fold book poster.

Really struggling with this one. I think the weather is pulling me away from my work.
Anyway, this is my process so far.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Inspiration-Because I'm Addicted

I follow/stalk many fashion blogs but one that I am inspired by in particular this week is called, Because I'm Addicted. I'm just about as addicted to fashion blogs as some men are to porn websites. Not only do I love what these girls are wearing, but I really like the filter effect on these photos. It gives the photographs such a style and presents us with a unique feeling.

Process-ACL book

After the critique on thursday, I took all of your helpful suggestions to work. I gave the text a little more space and I also made the band names in black, as well as some other subtitles. I'm not sure I like the cover/back cover yet, so suggestions on that would be helpful. Sponsor page is looking a little rough as well, so I'll probably tweak that.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Droog-Conceptual Design Company {inspiration}

My inspiration for this week is the design company Droog, located in the Netherlands. Their unique way of thinking defines them as a conceptual design company.

These are two of my favorite things they created:

These stick on water droplets add a very unique texture to surfaces.

When I own my own home, if I ever need a fence, I want it to look just like this one! The pattern reminds me of my favorite tights!

Here's the link to their website:


I made my "S" over break for "SNAP." I'm so excited for May 5th! Can't wait to spray paint it and have it be complete!