Sunday, May 16, 2010

Process-Type Specimen Booklet

Here is my final type specimen booklet!

SCADshorts: Pencil Face

My inspiration for this week, is PENCIL FACE!
Creepiest video ever. Love it.
The video is beautiful.
I would like to make something like this one day.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Process-Typeface/Drop Cap/Form

Here is my process for form&comm and type.
My typeface I change multiple times, but after making my mother a mothers day card with a dreamcatcher I decided to go with dreamcatchers as my inspiration. The dreamcatcher with the letter "a" inside is my dropcap for my typeface which I titled "Zodiak."
Suggestions much appreciated on both form and type!

Inspiration-Sophie Crumb

For this week my inspiration is Sophie Crumb. I like how she uses a lot of line work and only color here and there. The use of thin lines is really appealing to me.
Here's her website:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Synergy Fashion Show!

Synergy Fashion show! Saturday! Be there! You can get tickets at Clothes In the Past Lane! Cash only.