Thursday, September 23, 2010

For this assignment, I decided to express emotion through nature: Falling rain in a drought expressing satisfaction, a wave hitting a rock to express aggression, wishies expressing ambition, and a "weeping" willow (my favorite tree) expressing sadness. I usually use a lot of pen, ink and watercolor, but for this assignment I decided to be a little more bold and try something new so I ended up using acrylic, newspaper, and ink. I not particularly fond of my series and will probably be redoing most, if not all of them. However, I am glad I experimented with materials I was not comfortable with and hope to produce even better work in the future.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


This is my simplistic type specimen poster for my designed typeface called, "Entangled Extension." For my found grid, I used hairbrush bristles and then formed the letters using floss. I attempted to use hair extensions to shape the letters, but it was difficult to maneuver around the bristles and I figured since the poster was going to be black & white, I could just supplement something else that was easier to work with that would appear as hair. I usually have a tough time making simplistic art and I am happy I accomplished doing so with this assignment. Illustration and Form and Communication work to come!