Thursday, September 3, 2009

Andy Warhol

You need to let the little things that would ordinarily bore you suddenly thrill you. I broke something today and I realized I should break something once a week to remind me how fragile life is. In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes but I always say one's company, two's a crowd, and three's a party. There should be a course in the first grade on love. I have a social disease. I have to go out every night. It takes a lot of work to figure out how to look so good. I am a deeply superficial person. Why do people think artists are special? It's just another job. "Well what do you love most?” That’s how I started painting money. The artificial fascinates me, the bright and shiny. I guess I've been influenced by everybody. But that’s good. That’s pop. I never wanted to be a painter: I wanted to be a tap-dancer. Black is my favorite color and white is my favorite color. Art is what you can get away with. They say that time changes things but you actually have to change them yourself. When I die I don’t want to leave any leftovers. I'd like to disappear. People wouldn’t say he died today they'd say he disappeared but I do like the idea of people turning into dust or sand and it would be very glamourous to be reincarnated as a big ring on Elizabeth Taylor's finger. I don’t really believe in love. I sort of believe in liking. If everybody’s not a beauty, then nobody is. I like boring things. I did fifty elvises one day. If you want to know all about Andy Warhol just look at the surface: of my paintings and films and me and there I am. Theres nothing behind it. I really do live for the future, because when I'm eating a box of candy I can't wait to taste the last piece. The world fascinates me. Ever since I was a kid I've wanted to live as fast as I could so I always try to find ways to do things faster. But why should I be original? Why cant I be non-original? People look the most kissable when they're not wearing makeup. Marilyns lips weren’t kissable but they were photographable. Once you "got" Pop you could never see a sign the same way again and once you thought Pop you could never see America the same way again. I just happen to like ordinary things. When I paint them I don’t try to make them extraordinary. I just try to paint the ordinary-ordinary. I never met an animal I didn’t like. I think that everybody is my friend. I never read, I just look at pictures. Pop art is for everyone.

Andy Warhol

1 comment:

Writing My Own Ending said...

I thought you wrote this at first and all I could think is... wow Amy's gone emo.